Digital media assignment 1 Art of the animated GIF blog: product


for my first assignment It was in a group and we decide to pick the art of the animated GIF, since it was a group project we all had are own section to do so that the process of getting are project done will be much faster, I focused on the history of the GIF I first wanted to know who made and brought on the idea of the GIF.

Steve Wilhite was the person that invented the GIF in 1987, and GIF is pronounced JIF, at first GIF were almost just used for still images what made the GIF format revolutionary was by an algorithm the name of the algorithm was named Lempel-Ziv-Welch for its three creators Abraha Lemepl, 
Jacob Ziv, Terry Welch they worked in ways to simplify repeating patterns and this allows lossless compression of files which means none of the data is trimmed in the shortening process.
Gif soon became world standard, and also played an important role in the Internet community 
Many developers wrote software supporting the GIF. After a while developed a new file format  called PNG it didn't used the LZW algorithm, on the 5th of November 5 1999 when all developers gathered together to burn all there GIF files this day was called burn all GIFs day, Burn All GIFs Day may be the first time in human history that anyone has ever thought it worthwhile to stage an organised political protest, GIF images were largely phased out, especially since other file formats now did a better job when it came to static pictures.

Part of the reason the GIF survived even after the GIF purge, Eppink thinks, is because it fit the DIY spirit of the early Internet. It was a small file, it could be downloaded and stored on individual servers, and nothing really came along to replace its animation style.

There are many programs that can be used to make GIFs like on that is also the most popular one is Gifhy you have to make an account before you can use any content on the website.

In Gifhy there are loads of themes and different thats of GIFs that suit everyone fancy.
for example there are with the theme of tired so you find loads of different GIFs that are about the theme of tiredness.

When I was making my GIFs I thought hard for what theme I wanted to put for my GIFs I made up my decision I picked about my football team that I support liverpool, and about when you wake up in the morning and you'r very tired.

When making GIFs on Gifhy they make it very simple, all you have to do is pick a GIF from the website and then you can edit the GIF too how you like and you can also send your own videos s as-well and edit them as well on the computer and make them into GIFs I made my own GIFs.

You can also makes GIFs on your phone and tablet thanks to apps like GIF X these programs make GIFs as well.


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