Digital media assignment 2 Wikipedia blog: Product

For my second assignment I did it on wikipedia and this was the first time I did it by myself which is actually very difficult in some areas because you have to put more work in the match with the other people that are in groups.

I found doing wikipedia very boring but I had no choice but to do it, I first did a-lot of research on the wikipedia because I didn't know how to start or go through with it. I first learned who made the wikipedia and the people that made it were Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger. The first edit of wikipedia was made in 15 January 2001 at first wikipedia was made to help Nupedia which is a encyclopedia project edited solely by experts, however the writing of content on Nupedia was very slow with only 12 articles written in the first year, Jimmy and Larry discussed ways to create content more faster.

 Wikipedia was at first going to be used to help Nupedia but after many discussions Larry suggested the new project aka wikipedia it's own name soon wikipedia was launched in it's own domain.

Wikipedia gained it's first 1,000th article around Monday 12 February 2001 and reached 10,000 articles around the 7 September. In wikipedia first year of existence over 20,000 encyclopedia entries  were made. 

I also learned how to edit wikipedia and how the wikipedia works for example I learned that wikipedia is written my anonymous people who write write without pay and learned about wikipedia vandalism for example vandalism is considered as blanking, removal of images.

I then made a list of my own tips when creating a wikipedia page for example I said you should do your research before putting any content on the wikipedia, I also said that you should add images to your wikipedia page this will make it look nicer and more interesting because it will catch the person eye but you can either use your own images or images that are not subjected to copyright, and you should gather sources this will help you in the long run and make it a much faster process when making a wikipedia page and then after all the steps are done you are ready to make your wikipedia page and once your done making it you can send it to wikipedia for review this may take a couple days for a response.

After I gathered all of my information I made a slideshow on powerpoint it was my first time making a slideshow in a very long time like a good couple years so I was very rusty at first but i got the hang of it very quickly I gathered a few images from the internet too match with a couple of the titles I had in my slideshow for example for vandalism i found a picture of a cartoon robber and used it and then changed the colour from white to a navy blue and I then added loads of animations to my slideshow to make it more interesting and unique.     


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