Digital media assignment 1 Art of the animated GIF blog: introduction

My first project for my digital media class was on the creativity tag that Shaun gave us. There are many options and different ideas we can pick for the project it was a group assignment so i had to two other people and make a group with them so we can start the project.

After many discussions with the people in my group we decided to pick the art of the animated GIF, there were many really interesting for example Augmented reality, Digital audio and more. However I was pretty excited that we picked are topic on the GIF because I always see GIF's everywhere on the internet like on twitter or instagram and never really thought about how they were made.
I was more interested and motivated to do this project now because I wanted to know more about the GIF like how they are made, why were they made in the first place, the impact they had in the online world and the most important one who was the person that thought about the GIF and invented the GIF. 

We all decided that we will mix are presentation and the GIF's that we create and put them both together to complete are project. 

Since I was doing my section on the history of the GIF's my part was going to be a bit different from the sections that my other two group members are doing. Mine part was going to have a bit of everything like when the GIF's where made, who made them, what influence did the GIF's have in the world and how they are made today. 

My group was a group of three so we all had to come together and discuss what way we are going to tackle the project and how to start it and what's are end goal when were done the project, how do we want to present it for example we thought about making a video and put a green screen behind us and show all the GIF's on the background while we talk about what we learned.

The plan we had is that we would all tackle sections of the GIF's for example I was going to do my section on the history of the GIF so we can get all the technical information about it, my other group member was going to  do his section on the coding of the GIF's he was going to go really in dept with how the GIF's were made, my other group member was going to do his section on the impact of the GIF's and how the GIF's changed and influenced the online world. 

We also had to make GIF's of are very own too which I thought was really interesting because I always wanted to know how people even make GIF's, at first I thought it was going to be difficult and complicated because I thought there was going to be coding involved when making a GIF however it's actually much easier to make than I thought.


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