Digital media assignment 3 Tupac blog: Introduction

For the third and final assignment that Shaun gave us was on the methodology tag but this time
Shaun wanted us to make a video while we were doing a project so it was very different from
the other two assignments that I have done, there were many interesting for example Networks, Mapping and more, the topic that I picked was Digital journalism because the other ones were really interesting but I could not see myself doing any of them and out of all of the topics Digital journalism was the topic that I had the most interest in out of all the other topics in the methodology tag.

This time I made sure to find a group because in this assignment you would need a group because this was a big project and it doesn't look like a one man team, so you need a group for this project badly, when I gathered people for my group we all decided to pick the Digital journalism topic and we had to decide on who to pic on at first we had trouble because we didn't want to do the same ones that most people are doing for example some people were doing there Digital journalism project on footballers, and we wanted to do something new and unique so after all the discussing we had we all finally made the decision to do are Digital journalism project on Tupac shakur who is an American  rapper that was really big in 90s and is known as one of the greatest rappers of hip hop, so we thought it was a great idea to do are project on him because we all had interest in Tupac and there is also a-lot of information on him so the Digital journalism project will be a whole lot easier.

    While we were doing are Digital journalism project on Tupac shakur we made sure that we all had are own sections on the project then after we can gather together and put all of are work together this will be more efficient and it will help us all to cover more ground so the project will be much easier so we can get the project on time, my section I had to do was the influence Tupac had on the Hip Hop world, why he is so respected and why many people see Tupac as one of the greatest rappers of all time, my other group member was doing his section on Tupac background for example when he was born all his family member's were he grew up, the other group member was going to do his project on the death of Tupac and the effect it had on the world and how people still believe that is still alive.

After that we played many ways into recording are selves in the project because you have to record yourself in this third assignment thats the difference with this one from the other two that I have done.


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