Digital media assignment 3 Tupac blog: Product

For my third project on Digital journalism on  the methodology tag, we did are project on Tupac
and we had different sections to do for example I had to do my part on the influence of Tupac on the Hip Hop world, my two other group members did there section on the history of Tupac for example where he grew up his family members, the other group member did his on the death of Tupac, how he died, when he died and why people still believe that his is still alive. After that we planned on using voice memos an app on the iPhone and android to record are voices so we can put are voices on the video that we are making for are Digital journalism project.

I gathered a-lot of my information based on my own knowledge since I am a very big music fan and I follow Tupac a-lot but the information that I didn't know I used a few online sources like the Wikipedia, RollingStone and 105.1thebounce. After I gathered my information I made sure to trim the notes because there was a-lot of writing and the project doesn't need that much writing just the relevant information is good. We then used an website called Kumu to make a mind map, we put all are information on there, it's really simple and making an account is very easy you can use your gmail which almost everyone has. When we put all are information on the Kumu website we thought it would be a good idea to record are mind map that was on Kumu as-well.

I learned that Tupac Shakur is undoubtedly one of the greatest influences in hip hop culture. The legendary artist not only sold over 75 million records worldwide, but he was also an actor, activist, entertainer, poet, and passionate leader. people often see Tupac as a gangster who glorified the thug lifestyle, However pac felt strongly against crimes. He used the thug life image to market himself, the gangsta image contributed largely to his commercial success. But his musical ability to be emotionally vulnerable made him even more relatable and beloved.

The struggles that Tupac saw as a child shaped what his beliefs were. As he got older, he started to see the bigger picture. That shaped the songs he made. How Tupac change the hip hop world was by  simply living what he spoke about and speaking about what was real.Some of Tupacs biggest songs are Dear Mama, California Love, Ghetto gospel and they all touch on Tupacs life in each verse so you can really see how Tupacs life was and how he lived.

Tupac ability to communicate what was going on around him was second to none. it made you feel like you were there seeing what he was seeing. Also the power of his voice was another reason, you can hear and feel the power of his voice, which made him sound 10 feet tall, when in real life he wasn't that big of a person.Another reason why Tupac was seen as on of the greats in hip hop is because the sense of urgency he had when he made music.


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