Digital media assignment 3 Tupac blog: Reflection

For my third and final assignment that was on the methodology tag
I believe that it was my best one out of all of the assignments that I have done under Shaun, I was really organised, me and my group communication skills were really good we made made a group chat so it would be way easier to communicate with each other, we gathered together when making the video seeing what was working and what wasn't working, we wanted to make sure that the video was perfect.

The Kumu website was a great idea that we thought of it helped us put all the information that we founded and made into one mind map was very efficient and I thought recording are voices was going to be the hardest part other than making the video but it was really easy and it was the most easiest part of the whole assignment on the Digital journalism project, it did took me a good 15 minutes because it was my first time recording my voice for a video especially for a really important video so I wanted to make sure it sounded clear and I didn't stutter, easier said than done I stuttered loads of my attempts when recording my voice and sometimes the audio was either too low or very static so it made my voice sound like I was under water. 

When I was doing the project one of my group members was slacking off so it was only me and my other group member that did most of the work which is really aggravating because there was nothing we can do about it, so we had to put in more work on the project than we should have done because one of are group members was nothing helping us and putting his weight for the Digital journalism project on Tupac, it wasn't to bad because we made sure to get the other section that are group member that was meant to be doing but didn't do very quickly because we wanted to make sure that the project was finished before the due date.

When we were recording are selves in the video section it took us a good couple of attempts because it wasn't are voice that was being recording this time it was also are selves too, there is really a difference when recording a full video of yourself because you want to make sure that you don't look like a fool and you stutter a-lot, at first we just went a spoke what was on are minds but that was a terrible idea because me and my other group member kept on speaking over each other and interrupting each other, eventually we made a decision to give each other lines and times when we are meant to say are lines it was more effective than are first idea of speaking about are work.

I believe why this project was my best one is that I learned from all the mistakes that I made from my previous two assignments and made sure that I got everything right for this assignment.   


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